(enchant:?passage,(b4r:"none","solid","none","solid")+(b4r-colour:white)){(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[Welcome to the world of](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")+(size:1.5)[STAR-CHASER ARIES]
(Eventually there will be a drawing here)
(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[Introducing part 1: SILVER WATERS]
(align:"=><=")[ [[Prologue]]<>[[Chapter 1 Title Page]]](append:?SideBar)[
[[Title Page]]
[[Chap. 1->Chapter 1 Title Page]]
(color:"orange")[ [[Cast]]]
](enchant:?passage,(b4r:"none","solid","none","solid")+(b4r-colour:white))(align:"==>")+(box:"X")+(size:1.2)+(text-style:"underline")[Chapter 1: An Ordinary Boy]
(Eventually there will be a drawing here)
(align:"=><=")[ [[Title Page]]< >[[Chapter 1 Text]]](enchant:?passage,(b4r:"none","solid","none","solid")+(b4r-colour:white))(size:1.2)+(align:"==>")[1] Jeremiah, with whom we are primarily, but not exclusively, concerned, began every day he remembered living through in a similar loose routine. It was a good routine, and, ideally, he figured, he would perform it most of the mornings he woke up on.
A good sized youth, he required a good-sized breakfast. He ran a well-sharpened razor cautiously across his face, cleaving off wiry black stubble. He rinsed his dark-colored skin free of grime and gross smells as best he could, given the inconsistent availability of water in the Silver Waters independent refuge. He brushed his mostly white, but not crooked, teeth with a regular unpowered toothbrush and unflavored toothpaste, practicing his roguish grin on the distorted metal mirror after he finished.
Someday he might meet a hot girl in his general age ballpark and practice his roguish grin on her instead. All the folks in Silver Waters were in their fifties at least, and he was, like, somewhere between sixteen and twenty? He wasn't a stickler or a prude, but he felt like he might like to meet someone who was a little more like him. Someday.
He put his grin down and sighed. Someday... someday seemed like it was so very far away.
After heading back to his quarters, which weren't really his after but it was where he spent his personal time, he pulled on pants and a shirt that were only a little bit visibly dirty and didn't smell. There was no fashion to the act or to the items: just an undecorated shirt with unartistically placed unidentifiable smears and denim workpants. They made him look a cool, easygoing guy who worked as a janitor. Which he did. His age made him ideal for the job, after all: no arthritis.
Today wasn't a toilet-cleaning day though. Today was a delivery day! His first delivery day, so far as he could remember. The region's star-chasers were coming carrying all sorts of things to barter with in addition to necessary supplies.
(align:"=><=")[ [[Chapter 1 Title Page]] <>](enchant:?passage,(b4r:"none","solid","none","solid")+(b4r-colour:white))(align:"==>")+(box:"X")+(size:1.5)+(text-style:"underline")[Prologue]
(live:400)[(text-style:(either:"blur","none","blur"))[Yes. I see the little light now. Okay it's recording, probably. One minute.<hr>Yes, uh, my name... Well that doesn't matter, you have so many- so many written documents. You'll find them. What was I saying. I've been (INAUDIBLE) here for years. I think. Clock doesn't work right, can't connect to the network from here of course. Should have started tracking manually. Ever since I started losin-(UNINTELLIGIBLE)
The wireless on the (INAUDIBLE) hasn't worked in decades anyway but it's not like the stardust helps. Can't call for help, can't do anything for shit. If anyone survives this, you have to know, I tried, okay? I tried to stop this. I feel something nagging at me, that's how I know.
I don't have Aries anymore... I fucked up the data transfer. No idea what the hell that thing did. I feel it on the back of my brain but it's not something I can (VOLUME WARNING) oh sh-(STATIC) fucking coffe-(if:time >3s)[(stop:)])]]
(align:"=><=")[>[[Title Page]]]{(enchant:?passage,(b4r:"none","solid","none","solid")+(b4r-colour:white))(size:1.2)[Character Summaries:]<div class="charprofile">(text-size:1.1)[Jeremiah]<hr>A mysterious boy who doesn't really remember very much. He's a young black man, or seems to be, and he has modest dreams and a big future.</div>
<div class="charprofile">(text-size:1.1)[Hannah]<hr>A strange young woman with deep neuroses and deep trauma. Seemingly despondant, but weirdly passionate beneath the surface.</div>
<div class="charprofile last">(text-size:1.1)[Corinne]<hr>A woman with a tragic and violent past. She doesn't like to talk about it.</div>}